Apply to become a New Energy Tech Approved Seller

Apply to become an Approved Seller

Once you understand what the application process involves and are confident your business meets the requirements of the New Energy Tech Consumer Code you can apply to become a New Energy Tech Approved Seller. Please fill out the form below and upload the necessary business documents. You can save the form and return to it at any point.

Once completed, an assessor will be assigned to begin reviewing your application. The review process may take up to 12 weeks.

Should you have any questions please contact us at [email protected].


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In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character
GA Tracking Code

Businesses that have previously submitted an unsuccessful New Energy Tech Approved Seller application are required to submit to [email protected] a letter of assurance which outlines the measures taken to address the non-compliance identified in the business’ previous application. Please see the outcome letter of your business’ previous application for further details on providing this assurance.

The wait time for the assessment of an application is influenced by the volume of applications being process by the Administrator at any one time. Please contact us at [email protected] should you have queries relating to assessment timeframes.

As an authorised representative of the applicant business, I declare that:

To maintain the integrity of the New Energy Tech Consumer Code program, we must ensure all Approved Sellers have sufficient industry experience. If your business has been in operation for less than 12 months, please contact the us at [email protected] to provide further details of the industry experience supporting your business. This information should be submitted prior to applying.

To become a New Energy Tech Approved Seller, a business must be able to demonstrate it enters into contracts with consumers for the provision of New Energy Tech products, systems and services. If you are unsure if your business meets this requirement, please contact the Administrator at [email protected] prior to applying.

Prior to applying, please contact us at [email protected] and provide further details on the nature of the relevant enforcement action and/or complaint.

Prior to applying, please contact us at [email protected] and provide further details on the relevant insolvency.
As an authorised representative of the applicant business, I agree to:

All applicants to the program are subject to a rigorous assessment process to ensure their business can uphold the standards of the NETCC. We are unable to process an application where permission has not been granted to conduct the relevant integrity checks.

All applicants to the program are subject to a rigorous assessment process to ensure their business can uphold the standards of the NETCC. Should we identify any findings which may raise concerns regarding an applicant’s ability to comply with the NETCC, further clarification will be required before an application can proceed.

Provide the details of the applicant business below.

Website URL must begin with https:

Your head office location will be displayed on the Find an Approved Seller map and so it must be a physical address.
Please advise our Assessment team if you do not wish to have your head office address displayed

If your business has multiple office locations, please add the street address of each office location that you wish to provide consumers searching for an Approved Seller (Maximum 10).

Nominate an authorised person from your business to be the primary contact for all matters and correspondence relating to the New Energy Tech Consumer Code program. The Clean Energy Council will refer any consumer complaints directly to the nominated primary

From time to time, the CEC may provide your company name and contact information to parties interested in providing installation opportunities to New Energy Tech Approved Sellers. Please be assured that your details would only be supplied to those interested in providing your business with genuine installation and/or sales opportunities e.g. government departments.

We will note that your business does not wish for its company name and contact details to be shared with external parties interested in providing you with installation opportunities.

Please supply a sample of the documentation your business provides to consumers when they are seeking to purchase a New Energy Tech (NET) product, system or service from you. These documents should be filled-in, as if they were being provided to a consumer. If your business offers multiple types of New Energy Tech, please upload to the fields below the documentation applicable to the NET product, system or service your business most often supplies to consumers.
Note : Uploads are limited to a maximum of 25 MB in total.

As the Administrator, the Clean Energy Council is responsible for assessing an applicant’s ability to comply with and uphold the standards of the NETCC. For more complex applications, we may require external advice from parties with the relevant expertise. If you have concerns relating to this condition, please contact us at [email protected] prior to applying.

All NET Approved Sellers are required to comply with the New Energy Tech Consumer Code as well as all relevant legislation, regulations and Accreditation Guidelines. Acknowledgement of this term is required for an application to be assessed by the Administrator. If you have concerns relating to this condition, please contact us [email protected] prior to applying.

Note : Uploads are limited to a maximum of 25 MB in total.

Please provide the name of the provider/s of the finance offered to consumers:

Please note: Application fees are GST inclusive and non-refundable.

CVV or CVC is the 3-digit security code on the back of your card

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